Three Reasons to Hire a Copywriter


October, 2018

What can a copywriter do for you?

Copywriters make it their goal to create compelling written content to successfully market your business or product. They craft the right words with the right tone, thereby attracting the right clients to your business. Here are three main reasons to consider hiring a copywriter:

A Copywriter takes the burden of creating your website content off your shoulders

Words Aren’t Your Thing

As a small business owner, your skills are likely the backbone of your business. If you’re a builder, you build. If you’re an IT guru, then tech stuff is your niche. If you are a photographer, you take stellar photos. Your “backbone” is what keeps your business upright, structured, and functional. What does this mean with respect to selling your services via your website?  Don’t take it personally, but it probably means that writing isn’t your main thing. If it were, you’d be a writer. So when it comes to creating compelling copy to showcase your building expertise, your IT skills, or your photos, you may want to consider hiring a copywriter. This person takes the burden of creating your website content off your shoulders, leaving you with no concerns for what to say, how to say it, not to mention concerns about punctuation, spelling, or grammar.  Working hand in hand with a copywriter is a great way to present your content in the most appealing way possible, without the pressure of creating it on your own.

Are you too close and only see the trees?

Your Free Time is Limited

If you own or are part of building a business, the hours in your days are likely booked with seemingly endless tasks. The thought of taking time to write web content may seem overwhelming, if not next-to-impossible. In this case, a copywriter can take the “bare bones” info you give them and craft an artistic story for your readers, compelling them to take action. Coupled with great design elements, the copywriter will save you the time and mental energy that are required in developing quality content. This way, when you do have free time, you can spend it with family and friends, and not hovering over your keyboard scratching your head.

Most business owners are too close and too involved in building the business to be able to present it objectively

You’re Too Close

Remember the phrase “you can’t see the forest through the trees?” This definitely applies to small business owners. Oftentimes business owners are too close and too involved in building the business to be able to present it objectively with customer-focused content. Their presentation of their business is usually a personal, “from the ground up” storytelling approach. While this may give others an idea of where you’ve come from, it’s ultimately not client-focused and may cause visitors to lose interest in your product or service.

Without the burden of building the business, the copywriter is able to focus on the benefits available to the customers, and develop those with targeted appeal. You don’t have to see the forest when you’re standing in the trees – just talk with the copywriter outside the forest and they’ll share a whole new perspective!

Hire a Storyteller!

When it comes to online content, presentation can make or break your website’s success. As your virtual storefront, your site needs to serve you well. Pairing the writing with the design elements, copywriters can successfully drive traffic to your website and compel users to take action. It’s important to tell your story well, and more often than not, it’s well worth the investment to hire your own professional storyteller, the copywriter.


Using words to create scenes, tell stories, and teach concepts are a few of my favorite things! I love the challenge of finding the word or phrase that paints the perfect picture for the reader.  When I’m not painting with my pen, I enjoy cycling, hiking, and pretty much anything outdoors. I also love learning languages and working cross-culturally.

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