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Small Business Online Presence Report

Does your brand image catch people’s attention?  Do they know where to find you?  Your website is the hub of your online presence. With solid content and good design, connecting platforms such as Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ect) and Google My Business can greatly enhance your rankings and overall brand image.



Not sure where you stand?

Our six-point report gives you an outsider’s perspective on how your online brand is seen.

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Design and Technology to Put Your Business on the Map

1. Speed Test

Having a slow site means making your visitors wait. In a world of immediate gratification, most people won’t stick around. In fact, if your site takes longer than four seconds to load, most visitors will move on. Below is a speed test using a free tool call Pingdom. You can easily view your ranking and the histogram describing which items take the longest to load on your site.


2. SEO Test (WooRank)

Search Engine Optimization is one of the biggest mysteries out there, but it doesn’t mean you should forget about it. People use search features to look up everything from general questions to recommendations, and this is where you can leverage SEO. Using the WooRank reporting tool, you will be able to see what your website looks like to search engines, what keywords you have, and how visible you are. Compare these results with your target audience and see if they match up!


3. Google My Business

Google is the primary search engine used worldwide, so setting up and maintaining your Google My Business Listing can give you exponentially increased visibility. Google creates this for you, but if you do not claim your business, you will miss out. Below are three things that we look at when reviewing a Google My Business “Knowledge Panel.” Each item will contain a score (1-5, with 5 being the best) and a few comments.


1. Up-to-date info: 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel ligula pharetra, molestie nisl eget, fermentum est. Nam congue arcu porttitor ligula luctus semper. Nullam risus velit.

2. Activity: 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas molestie, tellus sed tristique semper, lorem eros venenatis lectus, non congue est enim.

3. Reviews: 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ex ipsum, auctor non scelerisque in, mattis luctus lectus. Nunc eget ipsum eget purus sagittis volutpat. Fusce congue nisl.

4. Human Analysis

While a lot of sites will offer you a free and fast analysis of your website, machines can only do so much. After all, your target audience is people, not machines. Human emotions and feelings are the basis of design. One of our professional web designers reviews your site and puts together four items that contain a score (1-5, 5 being the best), and a few comments.


1. First Impressions (feeling): 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque molestie facilisis tempus. Donec at ante sapien. Cras vulputate ipsum sed nisi faucibus tempor. Nullam hendrerit vehicula augue, vel laoreet metus imperdiet non. Vivamus malesuada odio.

2. Ease of use: 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec urna mi. Mauris ullamcorper scelerisque lectus, eget lobortis enim elementum nec. Quisque pulvinar sagittis tortor. Aliquam dapibus pellentesque ex sed ultricies. Quisque et odio fringilla nunc mollis dignissim at eu mauris. Etiam.

3. Clear understanding of who you are: 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pharetra laoreet sem, non tincidunt neque mollis at. Morbi nec mattis sapien, in feugiat elit. Mauris gravida volutpat lacus, ut gravida nisl malesuada eget. Curabitur vitae dolor a dui semper finibus eget.

4. Suggestions for basic, general improvements:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam volutpat purus sed scelerisque feugiat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut eget vehicula augue. Morbi non augue nec justo luctus rhoncus in quis magna.

5. Social Media Search

Social media is here to stay. Most small businesses realize this, but don’t know how to stay relevant in the ever-updating social media feeds. One of our social media experts gives a quick review of your social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Not all businesses need to have all three profiles, but it is important that the ones you are using are effective. Each item will contain a score (1-5, with 5 being the best), and a few comments.


1. Ease of finding your profile: 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec varius aliquam ligula quis euismod. Nam dictum, tortor id congue commodo, eros.

2. First impressions of social media: 0 

Is content current?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus volutpat sagittis augue.

Do you have a healthy community and media reach?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tempor consequat leo, nec consectetur nulla placerat id. Quisque nec justo.

Is your branding the same throughout your content and profiles?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas a massa sit amet finibus. Vivamus posuere sodales imperdiet. Etiam nec tempor turpis. Curabitur quam neque, placerat convallis nisi nec, tincidunt egestas.

3. Overall social media activity: 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas finibus diam tincidunt, rhoncus est eu, eleifend neque. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas.

6. Logo Test

So there you have five points of analysis, but we thought we would do one more. Logos are iconic, at least they should be. Using this logo test at, your logo (if you have one) will be reviewed in three ways. One of our designers will also review your logo and provide their thoughts and initial impressions.


1. Short human analysis and impressions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mattis nec orci in congue. Sed commodo lacus vitae pellentesque pharetra. Sed convallis at massa id volutpat. Sed auctor porta metus, et sagittis massa. Fusce varius sagittis velit. Aliquam porttitor tincidunt.

7. Final Thoughts

General Recommendations

We hope that this report has given you insight into how your business is seen online. While this report is by no means comprehensive, it does give a good overview of your online presence. Below are a few general recommendations based on the five areas we’ve reviewed. We hope you find these recommendations both insightful and actionable.

Speed Test – Speed is very important! If you are looking to improve this on your site, here are a few things we recommend:

—Select a great hosting provider

—Make sure you hosting plan suits your needs

—Decrease the sizes of your images

—Enable caching on your site

—Disable plugins/scripts that are not being used

—Minimize HTML, CSS, and Javascript

SEO Test – Building authority on a subject is paramount in getting your pages ranked first on Google. If you found that our keyword report didn’t matching up with what you were thinking, here are a few tips:

—Be sure to have your keywords in your H1 and H2 header text

—Use these same keywords in the first paragraph on your web page

—Tag your images with ALT text Include subjects/text associated with the topic on your page

—Link to other websites with relevant content Request other websites to link to you

Google my Business – This is a great way to give information directly to Google about your business. It’s free and easy to setup and manage. Start with these items:

—Make sure you have claimed your business

—Include images of your company and services

—List your open hours and brick-and-mortar locations

—List your website address and phone number

—Request that current clients/customers leave you reviews

—Use Google’s Post to let searchers know about deals, announcements, etc.

Human Analysis – Having a great User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) on your site is the first impression you will give your potential customers and clients. We have tried to give you our “first-look” impression of your site. Here are a few general items to consider, but drop us a line if you want to discuss things in more detail:

—Think about the audience you are focused on – is your site relevant to them?

—Be sure your fonts are legible

—Use colors that represent your company’s personality and mission

—Keep your menu uncluttered

—Have clear calls to action

Social Media Search – Social media, if done properly, can be extremely helpful. SEO, user engagement, and community building can all happen through social media. But having social media accounts set up isn’t enough; you have to use them strategically. Here are our tips:

—Post frequently and on a scheduled basis

—Post with links back to your website

—Vary your content across your various social media platforms

—Request that current clients/customers leave you reviews

How can we help? Give us the details!

We trust that this report has given you a better understanding of your online presence. While we now know a little bit more about your company, we would love to talk via phone or face-to-face about more specific actionable tips that can help boost your online presence. Fill out the form below and we’d be happy to get something scheduled!


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